The NSSA is a UK membership organisation for anyone involved with youth sailing. We provide a framework of competitions to encourage young people to get involved in fleet racing, team racing and match racing in a variety of dinghies.These competitions form some of the biggest inclusive and prestigious sailing regattas in the country and serve as achievable milestones for the young people.
The event programme typically includes one fleet racing competition - a week long residential fleet racing regatta in the summer - and two team racing competitions a year - one in singlehanders, and one in doublehanders.
Entry requirements differ between events, but we constantly strive to be as inclusive as possible. Our events generally cater for youth sailors of a wide range of abilities and ages. Several of our events include 'Rookie' Fleets for the less experienced sailors, with coaching both on and off the water. Our fleet racing events include many different kinds of dinghies, including both monohulls and multi-hulls.
Our membership is divided between group memberships for local association teams, sailing clubs and outdoor education centres and individual adult and youth members.
The work of the NSSA is funded from the membership fees with additional "top up" funding from organisations including the Royal Yachting Association. 
How the NSSA works
The NSSA is largely run by volunteers. These volunteers form two committees complimented by a President - Iain Percy - and a team of Vice Presidents. Currently there is an Executive Committee and a Sailing Committee. The Executive Committee are also the Trustees of the NSSA. It’s their job to ensure the NSSA is operated in a way that does not break any laws and that the NSSA's money is only spent on sensible things. They are ultimately responsible for the NSSA.
The following people sit on the Executive Committee;
  1. Steven Lloyd - Chair 
  2. James Conway - Vice-Chair
  3. Ruth Attridge - Secretary
  4. Jon Sweet - Treasurer 